Saturday, March 29, 2014


Spring is coming.  I can feel it in the air.  The days are a bit longer.  When I drive to work in the morning, I'm driving in light instead of total darkness.  It's becoming the time to take walks after dinner, sit outside on the weekends with a cup of tea and linger with my book, time to enjoy the sunset through the window as my husband and I enjoy dinner together.  It's the time of possibility…

- to renew relationships with friends

- to truly linger in that professional read that's been sitting at the bottom of my pile

- to reflect on how far we have come since the beginning of the year

- to savor the journey and the process

Seasonal changes seem to be part of my internal clock as a human being.  Moving from the darker days to lighter and longer ones renews my energy, my vision, and my hope in possibility.  Take a whiff of the air outside today.  Smile.  Anything is possible!

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